

Looking at the tragic crinimal cases reported in the daily newspaper, they have actually reached to an alarming level to the society to take the essential steps for self protection & protecting our loved ones. You can never tell when you need to defend yourself. You can stay out of trouble but sometimes trouble comes looking for you. When you find yourself being at the wrong place at the wrong time, you may have no other alternative but to fight to defend yourself. The situation can be life threatening. Why not equipped yourself with some effective self defense techniques?

Our short term self defense classes are conducted in a pressure-free environment. These classes promote staff interaction, unity, teamwork and resulting in higher productivity.

Body workout is good for health in term of improving blood circulation, digestion system, spine and disc alignment, muscle toning, posture correction, workout the flexibility on ligament and connective tissues and eventually promotes natural detoxification ability to the body.

Combating exercises work on the right brain to enhance ones' creativity, work on left brain to predict the next movement of the other party & enrich the decision-making skills to counter-attack.

This self defense classes also allow you to explore the Chinese art and culture, through modern techniques and patterns of exposure.

A female participant sharpening her hand strikes under the guidance and watchful eyes of the coach